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Comprehensive Mental Health Support

Unlimited mental health coaching, in-the-moment phone support, in-person and virtual therapy, critical incident support, work-life services, and various mindfulness exercises for holistic well-being.

Transforming Corporate Wellness: Tailored Programs for a Healthier Workforce

High-Quality, Globally Accessible Courses

Our measurement-based care model ensures high-quality, globally available, member-centered courses that focus on prompt recovery and better mental health outcomes, supported by published research.

Comprehensive Mental Wellness

Empower your workforce and educational community with guided meditations, coaching, therapy, psychiatry services, mindfulness practices, and robust Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs).

Immediate Access to Care

Provide employees and students immediate access to coaching within minutes and therapy within days. Our care concierge services ensure a seamless and continuous care experience.

Elevate Your Team's Potential

Enhance your team's mental health with engagement strategies, leadership workshops, and insightful reporting, creating an environment for optimum well-being among employees and their families.

A Full-Fledged EAP Alternative

Life Change Manager's renowned programs destigmatize mental health and offer 5-10x higher engagement than traditional EAPs, ensuring comprehensive support for mental wellness.

Transform Your Team's Mental Health with Life Change Manager

  • Comprehensive Mental Health Support

    Access a comprehensive suite of mental health solutions, including concierge care, self-guided programs, coaching, virtual therapy, and psychiatry services, unified within a single platform for seamless and comprehensive care.

  • Accessible and Digital-First Care

    Our digital-first model ensures easy access to varying levels of care on-demand. Members can connect with a coach 24/7/365 and schedule their first therapy appointment within an average of 2 business days, ensuring continuous support at their fingertips.

  • Predictable and Flexible Pricing

    Streamline costs with a single PEPM (per employee, per month) fee that covers unlimited coaching, self-care activities, 6-12 therapy sessions, and EAP services. Utilization-based pricing options are available for larger groups.

  • High Engagement Rates

    Benefit from our globally recognized CQC registered brand, which leads to exceptionally high engagement rates, driving meaningful participation and impact.

  • Collaborating for Transformation

    Life Change Manager collaborates seamlessly with benefits consultants.

  • Stay Updated

    Subscribe to our newsletter curated specifically for benefits consultants to receive the latest insights and information about Life Change Manager.

Revolutionary Mental Healthcare Solutions

Life Change Manager offers cutting-edge mental health programs for corporations, schools, colleges, and universities globally. Our evidence-based courses are designed to transform lives and support effective change management.

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